Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happiness... Sadness...

Wasup... long time... today im posting a write up from one of my GRE trial exams.... I thot it wud be worth posting here.... The topic given was "Ony one who can appreciate sadness can truly appreciate Happiness.." Read it, and leme know if I make any sense!

Life has always been about the balance of its various supreme forces like the good and the evil, the beautiful and the ugly, success and failure, right and wrong, happiness and sadness and so on. It is this delicate balance that makes living life an art and intresting. Imagine a life where there has been no sadness whatsoever, although I dont believe anybody is blessed that way.. Dont you think life would be utter boring?
This follows the same rule of nature.... the preciousness of every drop of water is appreciated only by the thirsty, the need for food is understood only by the hungry and starving. Similarly, happiness can be truly appreciated only by the one who has experienced sadness. Happiness is that state of ones mind, body and soul, that makes one feel elated and confident and most importantly, blessed.
It is only natural that when somebody is inficted with repeated emotional, mental and or physical trauma, life does become a living hell and happiness to them is a mere word in the dictionary. Sometimes this trauma is self inflicted and the cycle repeats itself. Everybody gets a taste of sadness at some point in their life and it is those with great mental strenghth who overcome it quickly. It is those who understand the mechanism of life that truly understand that sadness is just a temporary phase and is a reminder that life is not a bed of roses.
A person who hasnt ever experienced sadness or pretends not to have experienced it, will not be able to appreciate the little and wonderful things in life. He will lose importance in the small and tiny things that make life wonderful, like the smell of the rain, the chirping of the birds etc. For him happiness would become more materialistic. All the wonderful virtues of life would be lost.
Life is short and everybody lives just once. It is important that in this short period, one actually understands the true meaning of life by giving more attention to detail. One has to sympathise and empathise with the low points in ones life and understand that when darkness falls, it is always followed by a new dawn and a fresh new start that will definitely bring happiness, the way the rainbow rules the sky after a thunder storm. If there was no sadness, there would be no happiness and thus the true meaning of life would be lost.


  1. u spoke the one is blessed only with happiness..nor any one can .. every one hve to tasete th worst to understand the best...
